Anita DynamiX


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Introducing the brand new Anita DynamiX sports bra, by Anita Active. This style is simple and convenient; due to the wide opening and “Easy On & Off” design. Plus, this strap system is exclusively developed for Anita. Thus, you can enjoy the ergonomically shaped, padded, adjustable straps that are designed to be positioned away from the neck.  Available in grey.

Anita DynamiX Features

  • Non-wired comfort
  • Special support function at the side, due to double back design and X-back for extra firmness
  • Seamlessly shaped cup – outside high-function fabric, inside absorbent toweling
  • Net insert at the front center, as an additional aeration zone

Check out the other products in the Anita range

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Bra Size

A70, A80, A85, A90, B75, B80, B85, C70, C75, F75, F85